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January 2015

MRI Safety Committee
ICD-10 Orthopaedic Webcast

Happy New Year 2015

2015 MRI Safety Committee Kickoff

2015 is here, and it’s time to kick-off our MRI safety initiative that we announced in the fall of 2014! We will be sharing information regarding the following topics:

  • MRI field strength and zones
  • RF shielding
  • Magnetic shielding
  • MRI hazards
  • Cause of accidents
  • MRI safety procedures
  • MRI item classification system
  • General safety rules
  • Emergencies
  • Contrast administration guidelines
  • Screening and implantable devices

MRI safety incidents are on the rise for many reasons, including:

  • Increase in image-guided and interventional MRI
  • Emergent / trauma MRI
  • Reimbursement cuts that effect staff and make less qualified staff available
  • Stronger magnetic field strengths

If you have not yet watched the video on the Michael Colombini MRI safety incident that occurred in 2001, click the link below to watch it now. The video analyzes what went wrong and how this incident could be prevented in the future.

Watch the “Re-Opening The Michael Colombini MRI Case Via RCA” Video in YouTube

Lets be a part of lowering the risk of a safety incident happening by making MRI safety a focus!

Caryn Nolen will follow up with you individually to schedule your MRI safety call. If you have any questions about MRI safety in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Caryn at CNOLEN@NATIONALRAD.COM.

[Webcast] ICD-10 Documentation & Coding Concepts: Orthopaedics

ICD-10 Webcast

Watch the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Road to 10 ICD-10 DOCUMENTATION & CODING CONCEPTS WEBCAST for Orthopaedics to learn about ICD-10. Presented by Joseph Nichols, MD, a board certified orthopaedic surgeon and co-chair of the WEDI Translation and Coding Work Group, the webcast highlights the following topics related to orthopaedics:

  • Physician perspective / clinical impact of ICD-10
  • Documentation requirements for certain conditions
  • Documentation changes and new concepts
  • Use of “unspecified” in ICD-10

To watch the recording, CLICK HERE and scroll down to the orthopaedics section.

NationalRad | 629-A East Hillsboro Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 | 877.734.6674 | WWW.NATIONALRAD.COM| INFO@NATIONALRAD.COM

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